Neighbor-to-Neighbor Program

Apply for the Neighbor-to-Neighbor (NTN) Program to get financial help paying your SDG&E bill.

woman on laptop

How the Program Works

Sometimes, life doesn’t go according to plan — and a costly car repair or emergency dental visit can strain your monthly budget. If you’re experiencing temporary financial hardship, have received a final notice before disconnection letter and do not qualify for other state and federal assistance, the Neighbor-to-Neighbor (NTN) Program can provide up to $300 toward your past-due balances.

SDG&E will distribute funds to qualifying applicants on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are no longer available. 

Program Eligibility

To qualify for the Neighbor-to-Neighbor Program, the applicant must:

  • Have received a final notice before disconnection letter from SDG&E.
  • Have an open SDG&E account.
  • Be listed on their SDG&E account.
  • Reside in SDG&E territory. (This applies to the applicant's primary address only.)
  • Not have received a Neighbor-to-Neighbor pledge in the past 12 months.
  • Be experiencing financial hardship. Typical qualifying reasons include but are not limited to:
    • Medical/serious illness, chronic condition(s), disability
    • Reduction in pay/temporary unemployment
    • Personal or family difficulties, death in the family, home disaster
    • Unusual hardship, military deployment

CCA customers are also eligible.

CARE customers must apply for LIHEAP assistance before applying for NTN. Visit to learn more.

How to Apply

Complete Neighbor-to-Neighbor Application

Please note that you will need your account number to apply. Completing this form does not guarantee an NTN pledge.

If you have questions, please contact our Customer Care Center at 1-800-411-7343.

Frequently Asked Questions

Once your NTN assistance application is approved, the pledge will appear on your paper bill or detailed PDF in My Account. SDG&E will make the payment within two to six weeks.

While you wait for payment, continue to pay your current energy bill(s) and/or keep all payment arrangements made with SDG&E.

A pledge confirms that your account is eligible for a specific amount of funding and promises that funds are forthcoming. Payment refers to the funds that are posted to your account as a credit.

If your past-due charges are eligible and you meet all other NTN requirements, you can still apply for the NTN program.

A customer at risk of a having their service disconnected for non-payment will receive a final notice before disconnection letter 48 hours before SDG&E will turn off their electricity or natural gas meter. 

Additional Assistance Programs

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Income-qualified families struggling financially may also qualify for financial assistance toward their past-due energy bills under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). These federal programs are managed by two separate agencies and will be based on your zip code.

See if you qualify for LIHEAP



CARE and FERA are two programs we offer that can provide you with a monthly discount on your bill. 

See if you qualify for CARE or FERA


Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESA)

With our Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) Program, CARE and FERA customers may be eligible to receive low- or no-cost products and installation.

Learn more about ESA


Debt Forgiveness (AMP)

Debt forgiveness is available to CARE & FERA customers through our Arrearage Management Payment (AMP) Plan.

Learn more about AMP